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Normal temps are back in So Cal

Normal temps are back in So Cal

The temperature in Southern California was in triple digits the last 15 days with humidity reaching more than 70 percent. Needless to say, this is not normal weather in this part of the country. If I’m in humidity that’s 70+ percentage I’m normally down south or the northeast. During normal times if the temperature was that high during the day, one thing we could always rely on was the fact that the cool ocean breeze would blow in during the evening and cool things down.

There was no cool ocean breeze at all during the past 15 days or so. We’d experience evenings where the temps were still in the high 90s late at night only to drop towards morning, but the early morning temps were in the high 70’s by 6 a.m. There was no relief from the heat during those 15 days. There were warnings of blackouts because the electrical grid was being stressed. Fortunately, there were no power loss, but as a result of the constant heat we were forced to start using our air conditioner. Normally we’d turn on the fan part of the A/C just to cool the house down then wait until evening when the cool breeze from the ocean would do the rest. During those days, we used our A/C everyday so I’m not looking forward to seeing the upcoming electricity bill.


I'm a professional photographer, published author, content creator, small housebuilder, and all-around Kuntry kinda guy. I've recently, as of about 6 months ago began shooting video to load to my YouTube channel where I have info about my books, my Small House Build, Successful Marriages, and The Creative Corner. Stop by for a visit: HTTP://youtube.com/c/7thsonproductions

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