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Wuan & Twylla Brown – Married 25 Years

Wuan & Twylla Brown – Married 25 Years

Wuan & Twylla Brown – Married 25 Years, lives in San Diego, California. Anniversary 10-05-1996. Wan & Twylla was asked the question: ‘What I love most about my spouse’.

Merch: Please visit: https://www.amazon.com/Otis-G.-Sander… to order your copy of Always & Forever, Love African American Success Stories of Marriages 20+ Years strong. This is a table-top photography book with Successful African American Marriages as the subject matter. I’ve interviewed and photographed 50+ couples that have been married from 20 to 75 years from different states to find what they are doing to sustain long last, loving marriages. There are also couples in the book who met online, and started friendships that lead to marriage. My wife, Freda, and I are one of those couples who found love online! Order Your Copy Today!!


I'm a professional photographer, published author, content creator, small housebuilder, and all-around Kuntry kinda guy. I've recently, as of about 6 months ago began shooting video to load to my YouTube channel where I have info about my books, my Small House Build, Successful Marriages, and The Creative Corner. Stop by for a visit: HTTP://youtube.com/c/7thsonproductions

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