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Old & New Churches

Old & New Churches

As I sit waiting to borrow a trailer to take building equipment and supplies to the woods to continue working on my “small house project”; I look at the very old church to my right, then at the new larger church across the street. I’m once again reminded of the fact that many places in the south have what might be labeled a built-in respect for the old and no longer used structures by leaving them alone.  Here in the south, just because the building is no longer in use is not a good reason to tear it down.

In this case, there was space across the road for another church, and if the same congregation has both they still have use of the cemetery at the old church as the members are often buried there. If the old church and other such buildings are torn down after we stop using them we’d have no architectural connection to our past.


I'm a professional photographer, published author, content creator, small housebuilder, and all-around Kuntry kinda guy. I've recently, as of about 6 months ago began shooting video to load to my YouTube channel where I have info about my books, my Small House Build, Successful Marriages, and The Creative Corner. Stop by for a visit: HTTP://youtube.com/c/7thsonproductions

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