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Charles & Darlene Dickson – Celebrating 42 Years of Marriage!

Charles & Darlene Dickson – Celebrating 42 Years of Marriage!

“Charles & Darlene Dickson – Los Angeles, California – Married 42 Years – Anniversary – November 15, 1975”

“The way our relationship lasts is being receptive to change.” — Charles”

“Darlene interjects, “Being married to an artist is a challenge in itself. Anyone that has creativity flowing through them is not the 9 to 5 kinda person, so you gotta understand what that’s about and let it flow into what it’s going to be. To remedy those challenges, we have to maintain the magic we felt when we first met and fell in love. After a lot of years, you can forget, and we need to keep that solid in our minds.”

Excerpt From: “Always & Forever Love: Success Stories Of Marriages 20+ Years Strong.” 


I'm a professional photographer, published author, content creator, small housebuilder, and all-around Kuntry kinda guy. I've recently, as of about 6 months ago began shooting video to load to my YouTube channel where I have info about my books, my Small House Build, Successful Marriages, and The Creative Corner. Stop by for a visit: HTTP://youtube.com/c/7thsonproductions

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