It’s almost a full moon tonight. Right now, it’s about 12 AM, and I hear a whip-poor-will calling in the moonlight. I’ve never seen one, but as a child, I’d often hear them calling in the night. I had all but forgotten about them because since living in the city i haven’t heard one in quite some time.
I’m told it’s early for them because they usually don’t come out until it’s full summer. It’s been in the seventies and eighties since I’ve been here these last three weeks or so, maybe it’s fooled into thinking it’s summer but it’s really nice hearing it in the quietness of the night. Being here in the quietness of the woods is probably one of the few places they can be heard. These birds are on the endangered list because of changes in their habitat, their food, and pesticides.
The whip-poor-will has been referred to in many songs, poems, and movie dialog.