After installing the chimney before the rain in the last video I felt really good, but as I lay in bed listening to the rain on the tin roof after a few minutes I heard water dropping on the floor inside. Not a good thing! In this video, I’m patching the area all around the chimney to keep water from coming in again. I used silicone the first time, but there must have been some areas I missed. This time I’m putting tar everywhere the rain could possibly get through. Spoiler alert! There are no more videos about the chimney until I come again, but just so you don’t have to wait that long to find out if the tar worked, I’ll tell you. It did! It took quite a few days before it rained again, but when it did, there were no leaks. I left containers on the floor while I’m away, just in case. I’ll install the wood-burning stove when I come again and get the other things taken care of.