“Roshe & Stephanie Graham – Hawthorne, California Married 23 Years – Anniversary: September 3, 1994”
“Roshe added, “We can’t take credit for our success because we base everything solely on God. Just like any other couple in a relationship, we have our highs and lows. What separates couples that endure is that they are not getting out of it (marriage), simply because of this thing or that thing. You work through it. You have to compromise and just know that this is the person you really want to spend the rest of your life with. Mean it and just know it. You have to feel it! I feel like Stephanie and I grow stronger together over time, without developing a disconnect. Since we’ve had kids, it seems like life is going 90 miles an hour every day. There’s a lot to take care of, and you rarely get enough time to spend with each other, but you have to get through it. Like the old cliché says, ‘you have to hang in there.’”
Excerpt From: “Always & Forever, Love: African American Success Stories of Marriage 20+ Years Strong.” iBooks.